Films on Panchayati Raj – A 30 minute documentary, five training films and several quickies to promote Panchayati Raj for Govt. of India
A Training film for the Tamilnadu Police Force – On how to handle a situation of Communal Riots, and how to maintain Communal Harmony without taking sides.
WHO LOSES WHEN INDIA WINS? – Suggests drastic electoral reforms to invigorate Indian democracy.
FIRE – A 30 minute film for BURNS ASSOCIATION on the actions of the fire service personnel and how to handle fire in case of an emergency.
HOW THEY LEFT HELL BEHIND- Directed by Dr.Mohana Krishnaswamy – Winner of the First prize in the IFUW International video competition, Helsinki. The film deals with the grassroots level problems of women as vegetable-and-fish vendors, weavers, artisans, etc., and how some of them are on the road to liberation, in Tamilnadu.
AFTER A THOUSAND DAYS OF TERROR- Written & Directed by Dr. S.Krishnaswamy – On the crisis in Punjab culminating in the entry of the army in the Golden Temple. Distributed internationally in several countries.
ACTION RISHIKESH/HARIDWAR – On pollution in the River Ganga and efforts taken to combat the same with special reference to Rishikesh/Haridwar.
ACTION KANPUR – On pollution in the river Ganga in the city of Kanpur. Deals with the stark reality of the sacred river being one of the most polluted.
A PARADISE REGAINED – Written & Directed by Dr. S . Krishnaswamy – On the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, shot extensively in the island with interviews of relevant Ministers of Government, the LTTE Leaders and the Indian Peace Keeping Force.
REALITY BEHIND RELIGION – Written & Directed by Dr. S . Krishnaswamy – On religious conflict and harmony featuring some of the most eminent religious leaders including H . H . The Dalai Lama, Rev . Mother Teresa, H . H . Dasturji, Acharya Tulsi & Swami Ranganathananda.
CHILD – IN – LAW – Directed by K. Subrahmanyam – Deals with the problem of child labour with special reference to Tamilnadu.
MANIMAKUDAM UN VAAKURIMAI (THE BALLOT PAPER IS YOUR CROWN) – To create voter awareness and ensure a higher level of participation in the parliamentary elections.
CHANGE FOR GOOD – The video documentary produced for UNICEF deals with improved health and hygiene in the largest slum area of Chennai.
WATER & SANITATION PROJECT – Produced for Govt of TamilNadu and DANIDA, projecting the villages of TamilNadu as a standing example for improved water and sanitation conditions.
Empathy Foundation – A 12 Minute film, highlighting the social work done for underprivileged in rural Maharashtra by Empathy Foundation, Mumbai, a CSR wing of Sugal and Damani.