Sociopolitical Issues

THE COPPER STORY (2023-English & Tamil – 27 minutes) – Written and directed by Latha Krishna this is an investigative documentary that gives a panoramic view of the situation in Tuticorin, post the 2018 firing that killed 13 people and left 102 injured. What were the profound effects of this incident on India’s Copper self-sufficiency, economy, Industrial growth, local ecosystem, human sentiments, environment, and health of the local populace?

MY DREAM (2022-English-24 minutes) – A film about a 14-year-old girl, produced for UNICEF as part of awareness campaign against child marriage. This film written and directed by Latha Krishna was officially selected for the Golden Giraffe festival, Italy and nominated for CANNES shorts in 2022.

KNOW HER TRUE SELF (2017 – 30 minutes) – A documentary on 100 years of Women’s Indian Association.

MAMMOMOBILE (2017 – English – 5 Minutes) – A short film on Breast Cancer Prevention & Treatment for Mammomobile Charitable Trust.

EMPATHY FOUNDATION (2015 – English & Hindi – 12 Minutes) – A film highlighting the social work done for the underprivileged in rural Maharashtra, by Empathy Foundation, Mumbai.

PANCHAYATI RAJ – A 30-minute documentary, five training films and several quickies to promote Panchayati Raj for Govt. of India.

POLICE FORCE – A Training film for the Tamilnadu Police Force on how to handle a situation of Communal Riots, and how to maintain Communal Harmony without taking sides.

WHO LOSES WHEN INDIA WINS? (2006-English–36 Minutes) Suggests drastic electoral reforms to invigorate Indian democracy.

FIRE – A 30-minute film for BURNS ASSOCIATION on the actions of the fire service personnel and how to handle fire in case of an emergency.

MANIMAKUDAM UN VAAKURIMAI (THE BALLOT PAPER IS YOUR CROWN) (1999 – Tamil – 20 Minutes) – A film created as part of a voter awareness campaign to ensure a higher level of participation in the parliamentary elections.

CHILD – IN – LAW – (1994 –  English – 20 Minutes)  Directed by Bharat Krishna, the film deals with the problem of child labour with special reference to Tamilnadu.

CHANGE FOR GOOD – A documentary produced for UNICEF deals with improved health and hygiene in the largest slum area of Chennai.

WATER & SANITATION PROJECT – Produced for Govt of TamilNadu and DANIDA, the film showcases the villages of TamilNadu as a standing example for improved water and sanitation conditions.

REALITY BEHIND RELIGION (1992 – English – 60 Minutes) – Written & Directed by Dr. S . Krishnaswamy the film navigates through religious conflict and harmony, featuring some of the most eminent religious leaders including H . H . The Dalai Lama, Rev . Mother Teresa, H . H . Dasturji, Acharya Tulsi & Swami Ranganathananda.

A PARADISE REGAINED (1987-English-40 Minutes) – Written & Directed by Dr. S . Krishnaswamy the film is about the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, shot extensively in the island with interviews of relevant Ministers of Government, the LTTE Leaders and the Indian Peace Keeping Force.

HOW THEY LEFT HELL BEHIND (1986 – English – 27 Minutes) –  Directed by Dr.Mohana Krishnaswamy, Winner of the First prize in the IFUW International video competition, Helsinki,  this film deals with the grassroots level problems of women as vegetable-and-fish vendors, weavers, artisans, etc., and how some of them are on the road to liberation, in Tamilnadu.

ACTION RISHIKESH/HARIDWAR (1985-English-30 Minutes) – About the pollution levels in the River Ganga and efforts taken to combat it with special reference to Rishikesh/Haridwar.

ACTION KANPUR (1985 – English – 30 Minutes) – Deals with the stark reality of the sacred river being one of the most polluted and the efforts to change the situation in the city of Kanpur.

AFTER A THOUSAND DAYS OF TERROR (1984 – English – 55 Minutes) – Written & Directed by Dr. S.Krishnaswamy, the film is about “Operation Bluestar’ the crisis in Punjab culminating in the entry of the army into the Golden Temple. The film was distributed internationally in several countries.